Predavatelji SINOG 6.0 srečanja – 14. maj 2019
Ivan Pepelnjak, ipSpace (SLO)
Ivan Pepelnjak je naš daleč najbolj prodoren in ustvarjalen vrhunski strokovnjak s področja omrežnih tehnologij tako na področju WAN in LAN omrežij. Z omrežnimi tehnologijami se ukvarja že od leta 1985. Je eden prvih v svetu in nasploh slovenskih inženirjev, ki so si pridobili najprestižnejšo certifikacijo v industriji Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE 1354). Ivan je znan je po številnih knjigah, člankih in objavah. Je redni pisec spletnega dnevnika ipSpace, kot tudi avtor svetovno znanih istoimenskih webinarjev s področja omrežne in strežniške virtualizacije, oblačnih storitev, SDN, VPN, IPv6 in arhitekture podatkovnih centrov. Kot dolgoletni strokovnjak in odličen poznavalec omrežnih tehnologij je zelo zaželjen in iskan po vsem svetu bodisi kot predavatelj ali kot svetovalec pri postavitvi novih podatkovnih centrov ali designa omrežij. Ivan je tudi gostujoči profesor na Fakulteti za računalništvo in informatiko Univerze v Ljubljani (FRI), kjer poučuje razvoj in design spletnih aplikacij, v svojem prostem času pa znan kot zagrizen športnik in ljubitelj alpinizma, kolesarjenja in turnega smučanja.
His presentation title is “Intent-Based Networking: Another Round of Hype?”
Remember Software Defined Networking (SDN)? It’s so last year – the industry has moved on to intent-based networking… which is often nothing more than another pile of hype.
- Does “intent-based networking” mean anything?
- Does it do more than manage device configurations?
- Why is it so important to have feedback loops and post-change validation?
Susan Forney, Hurricane Electric (USA)
Susan Forney is a network engineer at Hurricane Electric Internet Services, which operates the largest IPv6 backbone in the world in terms of number of connected networks. She has worked as a network engineer and architect at the Boeing Company, Microsoft, and Starbucks. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the North American Network Operators Group (NANOG). When she is not finding new peering partners or helping to advance the adoption of IPv6, Susan enjoys cycling, trail hiking, and every Star Wars movie ever made. She lives in Massachusetts with her husband, daughter, and Basset Hound.
Her presentation title is “Peering security”
Peering is fundamental to the Internet, but without considering its cost, peering can be expensive and ineffective. This talk looks at the basic economics of peering and explains techniques for getting the most from your investment.
Ben Ryall, Facebook (IRL)
Ben Ryall holds the role of Network Delivery Manager (EMEA), working in Facebook’s Edge Organisation and works with ISPs and Mobile Operators to deliver the best experience to the people using the Facebook product family.
Ben is an established, innovative and experienced Internet, network and infrastructure architect professional. Proven in delivering complex technical projects to meet business requirements, support growth and enable strategic development.
His presentation title is “Edge Control, Serving traffic effectively to people”
This presentation aims to explain to the audience the tools and systems Facebook have to control traffic that is served from the edge of the Facebook network, whilst answering some common questions that Facebook receive on Peering and Caching. It calls out for ISPs and Mobile Operators to work with us to continue to improve the user experience.”
Hisham Ibrahim, RIPE NCC
Hisham Ibrahim is the External Relations Officer – Technical Advisor (Middle East Regional Program Manager) at the RIPE NCC. (in charge for training programs, technical support and relations with RIPE NCC members and the MENOG community).
Hisham brings over a decade of exercise in the field of Internet technology and its governance. Prior to joining the RIPE NCC-ME office, Hisham held a number of senior technical positions including, IPv6 Program Manager at AFRINIC (2010-2014) and Network Operations Centre (NOC) Team Leader at the Egyptian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (2005-2010).
Both from a technical and policy background, Hisham is active on several committees in various Network Operator Groups (NOGs), peering forums, IPv6 task forces and forums in Africa and the Middle East.
His presentation title is “The Centralized Internet”
This talk aims to discuss with the audience issues of centralization of the Internet and what does that mean moving forward with how networks are built nationally, regionally and globally.
Markus Legner, Anapaya Systems (CH)
Markus Legner is a postdoctoral researcher in the Network Security Group headed by Prof. Dr. Adrian Perrig at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. There he is working on SCION, a next-generation path-aware Internet architecture that at the same time provides high security and high availability. In particular, he focuses on improving the control-plane security and investigating effects of end-host-based path selection on network properties.
Before joining the Network Security Group, Markus received his Ph.D. in theoretical physics from ETH Zurich in 2016.
His presentation title is “SCION: A secure Internet Architecture”. SCION is a next-generation secure Internet architecture that aims to replace BGP as the glue that connects all networks on the Internet. Built from the ground-up with security in mind, I will show how SCION addresses the main weaknesses of BGP with respect to security and availability. Furthermore, I will explain how SCION’s path architecture enables completely new type of properties and possibilities that are impossible to achieve with current technologies.
Janez STERLE is a co-founder and CEO of INTERNET INSTITUTE Ltd. His main area of work concerns network design, planning, service management, testing and implementation in production networks for NFV, IPv6, QoS and QoE, LTE/4G and 5G mobile systems, NATO enabled tactical communication system; test, measurement and verification of state-of-the-art protocols and technologies. Throughout his R&D work he gained experience as lead architect and project lead in various national and international projects: GEN6 EU, ARCADIA EU, NEXES EU, MATILDA EU, 5GINFIRE EU. He holds Cisco CCAI certificate and various US patents in the field of SON systems. He is also a Qualified University Lecturer/Assistant for research and pedagogical areas at University of Ljubljana.
His presentation title is “How to build your own mobile network – PPDR One”
Public Protection and Disaster Relief facility for Outdoor and iNdoor 5G/NFV Experiments (PPDR ONE) is an extension of the 5GINFIRE ecosystem with a 5G/NFV enabled telco-grade development, testing and verification facility for experimentation with 5G network architectures and services for Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR). With PPDR ONE, 5GINFIRE covers the public safety sector and incorporate capabilities to conduct laboratory and field 5G/NFV experiments designed for the needs of emergency response, disaster relief, and critical communications. More info:
Peter Stevens, Mythic Beasts (UK)
Tom Kern, Cyber security analyst, SIEM expert, NIL d.o.o. (SLO)
Security operations often require investigations and forensics at a network level. To support that, we need to establish a robust and context-rich network visibility solution. There are commercial solutions available, but they often lack flexibility and integration with other products. In this technical presentation, I will show you how to start monitoring your network today without expensive gear.
Peter Zalar, Advant d.o.o. (SLO)
Peter Zalar, co-founder and employee of Advant d.o.o. From 1998, he was the head of technical support of the company until 2008. Since, he has been the project manager for the field of planning and implementation of passive and active network equipment of IT centers. Specializations and education cover areas of LAN / WAN passive / active optical and copper interconnecting equipment, active network equipment, WiFi wireless connectivity planning and UPS devices.
He is a specialist engineer with a certificate for the design of complex (enterprise) WiFi networks and troubleshooting. He is also a member of the WLA (Wireless LAN Association) organization. Mr. Zalar is a graduate electrical engineer in industrial electronics.
His presentation title is “WiFi DesignPro – Power vs Sensitivity and EM wave propagation complexity”
Nowadays, with the implication of WiFi connectivity and the growing number of connected devices, planning freedom is tightened with the help of professional software tools that fail to anticipate all the disturbing WiFi wireless network environment parameters. Presentation will emphasize issues of transmitting / receiving characteristics of WiFi access points in the “friendly” and “hostile” environments of the EM Wave propagation, and consequently the awareness of the importance of the baseline requirements for the design and deployment of wireless WiFi points in complex environments.
Existing WiFi networks can be improved with new admissions and their usability is extended. Additional skills rae required from the planner and the practitioner. With clear requirements and desires, a modern wireless network predicts useful coverage and number of users as a challenge. In the short presentation, problems will be presented.
Arnold Nipper, Chief Technology Evangelist: DE-CIX (GER)
Arnold Nipper is in the Internet industry since 1989. He was instrumental in setting up RIPE, DeNIC and the academic and research IP network in Germany while working at one of the first commercial ISP in Germany.
Co-founding DE-CIX in 1995, Arnold Nipper served as CTO/COO until recently and now holds the position as Chief Technology Evangelist. Since 2007 Arnold Nipper is also involved in PeeringDB as an Admin, serving as Director since November 2015.
His presentation title is “PeeringBD Update”
PeeringDB is around since more than 15 years now. And PeeringDB 2.0 also already is three years old. As we are the first time at at SINOG meeting we give a quick overview of what PeeringDB is and how it is set up. Next we look into figures about SI and their neighbouring countries. Then we highlight three tasks we have been working on the last months.