
Predavatelji SINOG 5.0 srečanja – 7. in 8. junij 2018

Ivan Pepelnjak, ipSpace


Ivan Pepelnjak je naš daleč najbolj prodoren in ustvarjalen vrhunski strokovnjak s področja omrežnih tehnologij tako na področju WAN in LAN omrežij. Z omrežnimi tehnologijami se ukvarja že od leta 1985. Je eden prvih v svetu in nasploh slovenskih inženirjev, ki so si pridobili najprestižnejšo certifikacijo v industriji Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE 1354). Ivan je znan je po številnih knjigah, člankih in objavah. Je redni pisec spletnega dnevnika ipSpace, kot tudi avtor svetovno znanih istoimenskih webinarjev s področja omrežne in strežniške virtualizacije, oblačnih storitev, SDN, VPN, IPv6 in arhitekture podatkovnih centrov. Kot dolgoletni strokovnjak in odličen poznavalec omrežnih tehnologij je zelo zaželjen in iskan po vsem svetu bodisi kot predavatelj ali kot svetovalec pri postavitvi novih podatkovnih centrov ali designa omrežij. Ivan je tudi gostujoči profesor na Fakulteti za računalništvo in informatiko Univerze v Ljubljani (FRI), kjer poučuje razvoj in design spletnih aplikacij, v svojem prostem času pa znan kot zagrizen športnik in ljubitelj alpinizma, kolesarjenja in turnega smučanja.

Ronald L. Broersma, DREN

Ron Broersma is Chief Engineer for the US Defense Research and Engineering Network (DREN), is the Navy’s SPAWAR Network Security Manager, and is a member of the Federal IPv6 Task Force.  He began his career in 1976 as a software engineer and operated one of the original nodes on the ARPAnet, the predecessor to today’s Internet, and has been involved in network research and engineering since that time.  In 1983 he investigated the first network intrusion and has been involved in network and systems security ever since.  In 1995 he helped to investigate an intrusion that involved the first ever court-ordered wiretap of a computer network and resulted in a television documentary.  Since 2000 he has pioneered the deployment of the IPv6 protocol into production enterprise networks.  Mr. Broersma is co-founder of the Hawaii Intranet Consortium, and is co-founder of the San Diego Regional Info Watch.  Along with many awards over the years, he is the 2010 recipient of the San Diego IT executive of the year “lifetime achievement award”, and he recently received the IPv6 Forum Internet Pioneer Award.

Nathalie Kunneke-Trenaman, RIPE-NCC

Nathalie Kunneke-Trenaman is Product Manager at the RIPE NCC. Having spent 11 years, in various roles, becoming familiar with the RIPE NCC membership, her focus is now to drive improvements to a variety of RIPE NCC services and software. Nathalie gathers and acts on information to help improve the usability of various internal and external products such as the RIPE Database, LIR Portal, and the functions on


Andy Mindnich, IBM

Andy Mindnich is the global IPv6 and IP services architect for IBM’s internal network. He has been driving IPv6 for his company during the last 5 years, achieving some significant progress. In addition to IPv6, he is now also responsible for DNS, DHCP and IPAM services inside IBM globally. He spent 18 years overall in various roles within IBM, from a network specialist, to network architect in multiple disciplines. When not at work, he enjoys time with his family and rides his mountain bike in the forest.

Nishal Goburdhan, Packet Clearing House

Nishal is an Internet Analyst at Packet Clearing House (PCH), working primarily in the Middle East and African region. He has established, worked with, and continuously supports Network Operator Groups (NOGs) across the globe, promoting self-development through the Internet.

Nishal is also the general manager for the community-run Internet Exchange Points (INXes) for South Africa. Both from a technical and policy background, Nishal has been involved in developing interconnections and Internet Exchange Points across the globe, and now adds those years of experience to Africa’s largest peering points.

Gregor Leban, Institut “Jožef Stefan”

Gregor Leban is the CEO of Event Registry. He received his PhD in 2007 for his dissertation on the use of machine learning methods for automatic identification of interesting data visualizations. He is the author of several conference papers and papers published in high-ranking SCI journals like Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery and Bioinformatics. He has been working on several European research projects (Active, Alert, X-Like, XLime, Symphony, Renoir). Gregor is also the main author of Event Registry ( – a system for global media monitoring.

David Starina, IBM

David Starina je diplomiral s področja računalništva in informatike na mariborski Fakulteti za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko. Svojo poklicno pot je začel graditi na tehnologiji podjetja IBM leta 2007. IBM-u se je pridružil leta 2017 – tu je trenutno ukvarja z implementacijo projektov s področja blockchaina in umetne inteligence.


Sara V. Marcolla, Europol

Sara is specialist in the European Cyber Crime Centre (EC3 Outreach team). She joined Europol in 2012 as member of the Implementation team for the establishment and development of the European Cybercrime Centre and became member of the EC3 Strategy and Outreach team in 2014, with special focus on building partnerships in the Internet Governance area and CSIRT communities. Sara acts as well as the permanent secretariat for the EUCTF (EU Cybercrime Task Force), the expert group that gathers the Heads of European Union cybercrime units to facilitate the cross-border fight against cybercrime.

Klaus Samardžič, Smart Com

Klaus Samardžić, produktni vodja v podjetju Smart Com, je specialist na področju optičnih transportnih sistemov za telekomunikacijske operaterje oz. podjetja iz elektrogospodarstva. Temu področju se posveča že dobrih 18 let. Pridobil je številne strokovne certifikate: Extreme: ESS – Wireless, EDS – Wing, Extreme Networks Design Specialist, Ciena – dizajniranje optičnih omrežij… Poleg tega je tudi član Inženirske zbornice Slovenije.

Kevin Meynell, Internet Society

Kevin Meynell works at the Internet Society as the Manager of Technical and Operational Engagement supporting the deployment of key Internet technologies including Routing Security, IPv6, DNSSEC and TLS. He previously worked for JANET, the UK NREN, before joining TERENA (now the GÉANT Association) where he worked for the next 16 years on activities including the 6NET and 6DISS IPv6 deployment projects, eduroam, the Global Lambda Interconnect Facility, and TF-CSIRT, as well having responsibilities for NREN Development Support in (South-)Eastern Europe. After leaving TERENA, he worked as the Manager of the Shibboleth Consortium that develops the widely Shibboleth web single sign-on software, before moving to APNIC as its Head of Training in 2014. He joined the Internet Society in October 2015.
Peter Zalar, Advant d.o.o.
Peter Zalar Advant d.o.o.Peter Zalar, soustanovitelj in zaposlen pri podjetju Advant d.o.o. od leta 1998, je bil do leta 2008 vodja tehnične podpore podjetja, zatem in do sedaj pa projektni vodja za področje načrtovanja  in implementacije pasivne in aktivne mrežne opreme IT centrov. Specializacije in izobraževanja posegajo na področja LAN/WAN pasivne/aktivne optične in bakrene povezovalne opreme, aktivne mrežne opreme, načrtovanja brezžičnega povezovanja WiFi in naprav za neprekinjeno napajanje podatkovnih centrov (UPS).

Je specialist inženir s pridobljenim certifikatom za načrtovanje kompleksnih (enterprise) WiFi omrežij in odpravljanje napak pri že postavljenih. Je tudi član WLA (Wireless LAN Association) organizacije.
G. Zalar je univerzitetni diplomirani inženir elektrotehnike s področja industrijska elektronika.

Uroš Bajželj – Aviat Networks

Uroš Bajželj je diplomiral in magistriral na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko v Ljubljani. Po končanem študiju se je začel ukvarjati z računalniškimi omrežji in na tem področju deluje še danes. Vmes je opravil tudi Cisco certifikat CCIE. Trenutno se ukvarja predvsem z avtomatizacijo omrežij.