Martijn Duijm – DDOS – Size isn’t everything
According to Verisign’s Distributed Denial of Service Trends Report Q4-2014 the average attack size has grown with 14% over Q3-2014 to 7.39Gbps in Q4-2014. 42% percent of the attacks where over 1Gbps, which means that, 58% of the attacks currently are below the 1Gbps. These variations in attacks need a new method of detection and blocking of attacks. Fortinet’s FortiDDOS device has been built from the ground up to block all kinds of DDOS attacks from below 1Mbps to 38Gbps per device. Martijn Duijm from Fortinet will explain how FortiDDos differs from most DDOS solutions and will help you block even the most sophisticated attacks to your environment.
Marco Gioanola – Ten years of DDoS attacks in the data of Arbor Networks’ Worldwide Security Report and ATLAS
Arbor Networks has been publishing its Worldwide Infrastructure Security Report since 2004; the tenth edition of the survey was 180 questions long and hundreds of organizations worldwide provided an invaluable amount of information about DDoS attacks and their overall approach to security. Arbor’s ATLAS is the largest global effort in sharing and analysis of Internet traffic trends, currently monitoring a peak of more than 100Tbps.
- The presentation will describe the contents of the Security Report especially with respect to:
the evolution in size and type of DDoS attacks in the last ten years; - the year 2014 in detail: attack vectors, mitigation techniques, level of preparedness of organizations.
Based on the evidence and experience from more than ten years of DDoS mitigation with major global ISPs, the following topics will then be discussed:
- the do’s and don’ts of DDoS mitigation countermeasures;
- the need for a multi-layer approach and what role the different stakeholders can play against DDoS attacks.
Jernej Porenta – Pristopi k reševanju neželene elektronske pošte
Neželena elektronska pošta je po mnenju mnogih stvar preteklosti, a na žalost v praksi ni
tako. Pošiljatelji neželene pošte so namreč vedno korak pred tistimi, ki se trudimo
doseči pravilno razporejanje elektronske pošte. V predstavitvi bom predstavil, kako se s
tem ubadamo na Arnesu, kateri so pristopi, ki so se izkazali za uspešne in kaj lahko
naredite sami, da bo vaša elektronska pošta pravilno razvrščena.
Mitja Jenček – Postopki in metode odbijanja DDoS napadov v praksi
Ponudniki se dnevno srečujemo incidenti , kot so DDOS napadi, ki predstavljajo resne grožnje za uporabnike, predvsem poslovnim uporabnikom lahko omenjeni incidenti povzročajo veliko škodo saj jim omejujejo poslovanje.
V predavanju bo predstavljen način kak se ponudniki borimo proti tovrstnim grožnjam in katere postopke uporabljamo v Telekomu Slovenije za preprečevanje tovrstnih DDOS napadov.
Mark Martinec – Filtriranje e-pošte z Amavis in SpamAssassin
Kaj sta Amavis in SpamAssassin? Njuna umestitev v sistem e-pošte. Kratek pregled metod, ki jih Amavis in SpamAssassin uporabljata pri klasifikaciji sporočil. Avtentičnost in zasebnost pri prenosu sporočil (DKIM, DMARC, TLS/DANE). Dober glas seže v deveto vas (domain reputation). Podpora internacionalizaciji poštnih sporočil in naslovov (SMTPUTF8, IDNA). Novosti, ki jih prinašata SpamAssassin 3.4.1 in Amavis. Strukturirani dnevniški zapisi in iskanje po njih z Elasticsearch/Kibana.