SINOG 4.0 srečanje je za nami!

23. in 24. maja je v Tehnološkem Parku Ljubljana potekalo SINOG 4.0 srečanje in v odprti debati, ob izmenjavi mnenj združilo domače in tuje strokovnjake na področju interneta in omrežij.

Med govorci smo zapet gostili legende s področja IPv6. Ole Trøan iz podjetja Cisco je že v letih 1997 in 1998 začel s pisanjem IPv6 kode za Ciscov IOS operacijski sistem za usmerjevalnike, hkrati pa je bil vsa ta leta co-chair IETF 6MAN working groupe, ki edina lahko objavlja RFC standarde s področja protokola IPv6. Veseli smo, da se nam je Ole lahko pridružil in nas razsvetlil z IPv6 “keynote” govorom, sodeloval v panelni razpravi “The Dark Side of IPv6 Moon” ter v drugem dnevu predstavil njihov najnovejši odprtokodni projekt usmerjevalnika, ki prinaša nekajkratno izboljšavo performance-a usmerjevalnikov (vektorsko procesiranje paketov namesto skalarno). Continue reading


Predavatelji SINOG 4.0 srečanja – 23. in 24. maj 2017

Ole Trøan – Cisco Systems

Ole je že 19 let zaposlen v podjetju Cisco in je Ciscov veteran (distinguished engineer). Živi na Norveškem, kjer se trenutno ukvarja z razvojem odprtokodnega usmerjevalnika VPP. V preostalem času se osredotoča na arhitekturo, standardizacijo in uvajanje protokola IPv6. V IETF je aktiven kot co+chair 6MAN delovne skupine, v kateri se obravnavajo in sprejemajo vsi RFC standardi, ki definirajo IPv6. Je tudi avtor številnih RFC standardov s področja IPv6. Pred tem je vodil japonski Ciscov razvojni center v Tokiu, še prej pa je delal v Veliki Britaniji kot inženir in programer, kjer je razvijal, programiral in implementiral vso osnovno in napredno IPv6 kodo v Ciscovem IOS operacijskem sistemu za usmerjevalnike.

Ivan Pepelnjak – ipSpace

ivan_pepelnjak Ivan Pepelnjak je naš daleč najbolj prodoren in ustvarjalen vrhunski strokovnjak s področja omrežnih tehnologij tako na področju WAN in LAN omrežij. Z omrežnimi tehnologijami se ukvarja že od leta 1985. Je eden prvih v svetu in nasploh slovenskih inženirjev, ki so si pridobili najprestižnejšo certifikacijo v industriji Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE 1354). Ivan je znan je po številnih knjigah, člankih in objavah. Je redni pisec spletnega dnevnika ipSpace, kot tudi avtor svetovno znanih istoimenskih webinarjev s področja omrežne in strežniške virtualizacije, oblačnih storitev, SDN, VPN, IPv6 in arhitekture podatkovnih centrov. Kot dolgoletni strokovnjak in odličen poznavalec omrežnih tehnologij je zelo zaželjen in iskan po vsem svetu bodisi kot predavatelj ali kot svetovalec pri postavitvi novih podatkovnih centrov ali designa omrežij. Ivan je tudi gostujoči profesor na Fakulteti za računalništvo in informatiko Univerze v Ljubljani (FRI), kjer poučuje razvoj in design spletnih aplikacij, v svojem prostem času pa znan kot zagrizen športnik in ljubitelj alpinizma, kolesarjenja in turnega smučanja.

Nathalie Kunneke-Trenaman, RIPE-NCC

Nathalie Kunneke-Trenaman je IPv6 in RIPE policy inštruktorica na RIPE-NCC in “IPv6 frequent traveller”, saj potuje po RIPE regiji in predava o IPv6 in ostalih perečih problemih današnjega Interneta. Odgovorna je tudi za razvoj in posodobitve RIPE-NCC izobraževalnega programa in materialov. Pred RIPE-NCC je Nathalie 8 let delala za različne LIR-e in tam pridobila veliko praktičnih izkušenj z velikimi omrežji. Zadnjič je Nathalie predavala o njenih izkušnjah s podporo IPv6 v IOT napravah v njenem domu in morda nam bo povedala, ali se je v vmesnem času kaj spremenilo na tem področju…

Job Snijders, NTT Communications

Job Snijders is IP Development Engineer at NTT Communications, where he analyzes and architects NTT’s global IP network for future growth. He has been actively involved in the Internet community in an operational capacity, as a frequent presenter at network operator events such as NANOG, RIPE & APRICOT, and in a number of community projects for over 10 years. Job is founder & chairman of the NLNOG Foundation, and vice president of PeeringDB. Job’s special interests are routing policy, routing security and large scale BGP deployments. He maintains several tools such as irrtree and irrexplorer, and is active in the IETF where he has coauthored or contributed to RFCs and Internet-Drafts. Before joining NTT Communications, Job held network engineering positions at Hibernia Networks, eBay Classifieds Group and Intouch NV.

Rok Arzenšek, NIL d.o.o.

Rok je po izobrazbi strojnik, a ga je mladostno navdušenje nad odprtostjo in transparentnostjo interneta povleklo v IT. S programiranjem se je sicer začel ukvarjati že v srednji šoli, danes pa ima več kot 15 let izkušenj v IT-ju. Preden se je leta 2016 pridružil NIL-u, je delal za telekomunikacijske operaterje, proizvajalca strojne opreme ter veliko podjetje. V svoji karieri je zavzemal položaje sistemskega inženirja, IT arhitekta, razvojnega inženirja in vodje oddelka. Rok je strokovnjak za omrežne tehnologije in rešitve, na NIL-u pa se največ ukvarja z avtomatizacijo, zagotavljanjem omrežnih storitev, orkestracijo in programiranjem omrežij. Svoje znanje pa deli tudi izven službenega okolja. Rok je namreč ustanovni član zavoda go6, v katerem promovirajo in spodbujajo rabo protokola IPv6 v poslovnih in telekomunikacijskih omrežjih v Sloveniji in širši regiji.

Peter Zalar, Advant d.o.o.

Peter Zalar, soustanovitelj in zaposlen pri podjetju Advant d.o.o. od leta 1998, je bil do leta 2008 vodja tehnične podpore podjetja, zatem in do sedaj pa projektni vodja za področje načrtovanja  in implementacije pasivne in aktivne mrežne opreme IT centrov. Specializacije in izobraževanja posegajo na področja LAN/WAN pasivne/aktivne optične in bakrene povezovalne opreme, aktivne mrežne opreme, načrtovanja brezžičnega povezovanja WiFi in naprav za neprekinjeno napajanje podatkovnih centrov (UPS). Je tudi specialist inženir s pridobljenim certifikatom za načrtovanje kompleksnih (enterprise) WiFi omrežij in odpravljanje napak pri že postavljenih. G. Zalar je univerzitetni diplomirani inženir elektrotehnike s področja industrijska elektronika.

Matej Vadnjal, Arnes

Matej je Arnesov strokovnjak za hrbtenično omrežje. Specializira se na področje nadzora in upravljanja omrežja. Trenutno večino časa posveča vpeljavi novih rešitev za avtomatizacijo in orkestracijo omrežnih storitev v omrežju ARNES.

Kevin Meynell, Internet Society

Kevin Meynell is the Content and Resource Manager working in the Office of the CITO. His main responsibility is for the Deploy360 program which encourages deployment of key Internet technologies including IPv6, DNSSEC Routing Security and TLS. This involves identifying resources and producing content that support the goals of the program, along with social media and outreach activities to promote and raise awareness of developments in these areas.

Kevin graduated from Middlesex University with a degree in Geography, and discovered the Internet whilst working at the JET Nuclear Fusion Project in the early-90s. This led to a move to UKERNA (now JISC) in 1995 where he worked on the SuperJANET and National Dial-Up Service initiatives, before joining TERENA (now the GÉANT Association) in 1997. Aside from an 18-month sabbatical to help establish CENTR, he spent the next 16 years working on activities including the 6NET and 6DISS IPv6 deployment projects, eduroam, the Global Lambda Interconnect Facility, the TERENA X.509 PKI Service and TF-CSIRT, as well as being responsible for NREN Development Support in Eastern and Southern Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East and occasionally the Caribbean region. 

After leaving TERENA, he worked as the Manager of the Shibboleth Consortium that develops the widely Shibboleth web single sign-on software, before moving to APNIC as its Head of Training in 2014. He joined the Internet Society in October 2015.

Kevin has also been the Executive Secretary of GLIF since 2012, organising the Annual Global LambdaGrid Workshops. He was previously the Coordinator and ex-officio Steering Committee member of TF-CSIRT from 2008 to 2012, where he developed a new governance structure, CSIRT certification process and training courses, as well as establishing the joint FIRST/TF-CSIRT Technical Symposia. Whilst at CENTR he chaired the RIPE Domain Name Registration Forum, and more recently organised NREN development conferences for the European Union’s Eastern Partnership as well as the TERENA/RIPE promotional events for World IPv6 Day and World IPv6 Launch Day. 

Kevin Meynell is based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Alexander Holzer – Barracuda Networks

Alexander dela na razvoju, podpori in implementaciji požarnih pregrad že celo kariero. Po končanem študiju se je leta 2002 zaposlil v avstrijskem Phionu. Opravljal je različne tehnične vloge. Od leta 2009, ko je Phion prevzelo podjetje Barracuda Networks, pa dela kot svetovalec za požarne pregrade v večih evropskih regijah.

Odprte prijave na SINOG 4.0 srečanje

Zavod go6 in SINOG v sodelovanju z javnim zavodom Arnes in LTFE organizirata 23. in 24. maja 2017 letno srečanje omrežnih strokovnjakov in internetne skupnosti SINOG. Srečanje bo potekalo v Tehnološkem parku Ljubljana-Brdo (Stavba B, Tehnološki park 19, Ljubljana) s pričetkom ob 9. uri.

Prvi dan srečanja bo ob predavanju domačih in tujih strokovnjakov pretežno usmerjeno v IPv6, vključno z okroglo mizo, kjer bomo s svetovno priznanimi strokovnjaki za IPv6, kot so Ole Troan, Job Snijders in Ivan Pepelnjak, spregovorili o manj znanih operativnih vidikih nekaterih arhitekturnih odločitev pri standardizaciji protokola IPv6.

Drugi dan bodo obravnavane splošne omrežne tematike, kot so: administracija, gradnja in konfiguracija internetne infrastrukture in storitev, načrtovanje žičnih in brezžičnih omrežij in druga zanimiva strokovna predavanja.

Več o dogodku lahko preberete na spletnih straneh skupnosti SINOG .

Program SINOG 4.0 srečanja

Udeležba je brezplačna, število mest pa omejeno! Zato ne odlašajte s prijavo.

Se vidimo 23. in 24. maja, vabljeni!

SINOG 4.0 (English)

Slovenian technical Internet community meeting on Internet technologies.

Where: Tehnološki park Ljubljana, lokacija Brdo, Tehnološki park 19 (Google Maps)
Organizators: SINOG, Zavod go6, LTFE in Arnes
When: 23. in 24. May 2017
Participation fee: free for everyone (in the case of congestion sponsors and members of the Institute go6 and members of SINOG have priority for participation).
Limiting the number of participants: 150 (priority is given to sponsors and members of the Institute Go6 and members of SINOG).
Number of participants at previous meetings: Well over 100 technical experts from community per day.
Type of participants at the meeting: leading technical experts, managers and decision makers from a number of Slovenian companies (operators, equipment manufacturers, system integrators and others).

The Slovenian Operator Forum SINOG (Network Operators Group) was established in the autumn of 2013 under the auspices of the Institute go6 and combines network experts in various fields. SINOG was established with the aim to enhance the quality, performance, stability and security of Slovenian networks and network services, and actively encourage the exchange of ideas, knowledge and best practices among network professionals in Slovenia and beyond.

Slovenian IPv6 Summit was until recently the central event in Slovenian and the wider regional area, intended to monitor the progress, achievements and exchange of good practices in the transition to IPv6 and deployment to business environments and organizations.

Past “SLO IPv6 Summit” events received great interest of the professional sphere, as evidenced by numerous commendations and participants. This year we decided to join both meetings under just one name – SINOG 4.0 and we’ll carry on with unified branding also in the future. First day will still be more IPv6 oriented and second day with more generic network operations topics and presentations.

About the programme (shortly):
Compliments, visible efficiency and remarkable response to the previous IPv6 Summits and SINOG meetings have given us the confirmation that it is necessary to continue with such events. We are pleased to be able to once again announce the wider international lecturing band. Their knowledge and experience in the field of IPv6 and operational topics will present the experts of world’s leading companies and organizations, such as Cisco – Ole Trøan, RIPE NCC – Nathalie Trenaman, ipSpace – Ivan Pepelnjak , NTT – Job Snijders, Ericsson – Ari Keranen (TBC) …

This year’s first day keynote speaker will be Ole Trøan. Ole is a 19 year cisco veteran. Currently based in Norway, he is working on an open source software router implementation called VPP. He is focuses on IPv6 architecture, standardization and deployment. He is active in the IETF as the 6man co+chair. He has authored a number of RFCs on IPv6. Previously he led cisco’s Japan Development Centre in Tokyo and prior to that he worked in the UK as a software engineer where Ole worked on all aspects of cisco’s IOS IPv6 implementation.

Vsebina predavanj

Vsebina predavanj SINOG 4.0 srečanja – 23. in 24. maj 2017

SINOG 4.0 – first day… (IPv6 topics)

Ole Trøan, Cisco – The IPv6 Keynote
Why is IPv6 what it is? Protocol design is not value neutral. This talk will cover some of the choices made in designing the IPv6 protocols and discuss some of the ongoing tussles in IPv6 standardisation. It will also take a look at where we might be heading with the IPv6 transition in the future.

Ivan Pepelnjak, IPspace (presenter) and Enno Ray, ENRW (author) – Why IPv6 Security Is So Hard: Structural Deficits of IPv6 & Their Implications
Many organizations do not consider it an easy task to properly secure their IPv6 deployments, namely when they realize that “just transferring their IPv4 security architectures in an 1:1 way, to longer addresses” does not work. In this talk I will lay out which are reasons on a design and specification level and I will discuss what this means in practice when developing an IPv6 security strategy.

RIPE NCC – IPv6 Routing in Slovenia, as seen from the rest of the world
Nathalie did an analysis with all the different RIPE tools to see how IPv6 routing in Slovenia is performing. She will talk about IPv6 RIPEness, the IXP Country Jedi, but also an elaborate comparison of IPv4 and IPv6 routing with the help of RIPE Atlas probes. 

Jan Žorž – NAT64/DNS64 real life experiments, warnings and also one useful tool
As many mobile operators were moving to IPv6 only which is incompatible with IPv4 on the wire, it’s necessary to employ transition mechanisms such as 464XLAT or NAT64. The Go6lab NAT64/DNS64 testbed was therefore established so that operators, service providers, and hardware and software vendors can see how their solutions work in these environments. This has already generated significant interest, and instructions on how to participate are available on the Go6lab website.

When using NAT64 there are many things that need to be checked to ensure they work correctly. NAT64check has therefore been developed to allow websites to be checked for consistency over IPv4, IPv6-only and NAT64, as well to compare responsiveness using the different protocols. This allows network and system administrators to easily identify anything is ‘broken’ and to pinpoint where the problems are occurring, thus allowing any non-IPv6 compatible elements on the website to be fixed. For example, even if a web server is not running IPv6 (why not?), hardcoded IPv4 addresses can cause NAT64 to fail.

Jan Zorz from Go6/ISOC will give an insight and discuss some issues that he found while testing NAT64/DNS64 technology in real life scenarios and use-cases.

‘The dark Side of the IPv6 Moon’ panel discussion
Panel discussion, chaired by Jan Žorž and featuring Ole Trøan (Cisco)Job Snijders (NTT), Ivan Pepelnjak (ipSpace) and Nathalie Kunneke-Trenaman (RIPE NCC). The focus is the deployment and operational consequences of the IPv6 architectural and standardisation decisions about IPv6, and this will discuss the real world challenges of using IPv6 in production networks.

We hope to shed some light on some IPv6 protocol and architecture aspects and issues from operational and deployment point of view and tell operators what they need to be aware of when deploying IPv6. All this years IPv6 evangelists and promoters have been talking mostly about the good and shiny aspects about IPv6, but now when the snow-ball is over the edge – we think it’s time to talk also about less convenient part of the whole IPv6 story.

Jan Žorž – IPv6 Lightning Talk: “IPv6 prefix assignment for end-customers – persistent vs non-persistent, and what size to choose.”
In this presentation Jan Žorž will talk about the BCOP (Best Current Operational Practice) document that gives some down-to-earth operational advices to operators, deploying IPv6 in two areas – what should be the size of IPv6 prefix that they assign to end-users (residential or business customers) and how the assignments should be done – in a persistent (more static) or non-persistent (dynamic) way. Second draft of the document can be found on .

SINOG 4.0 – second day…

Ivan Pepelnjak, IPSpace – Securing Network Automation
If you have operational experience in running large networks then you’re probably yearning to replace the traditional way of managing individual network devices via SSH with something better and more reliable. Software Defined Networking (SDN) was touted as the all-encompassing solution, but what we got instead is a heap of academic ideas, several platforms that require as much investment as an SAP deployment, and a bunch of proprietary products focused more on increasing lock-in and vendor revenue than solving operational problems.

It’s time we learn from the Unix playbook and start building our network automation solutions from small reusable components… but can we make such a solution secure and reliable? Can we still protect the network from misconfiguration, management-plane attacks, or automation-caused failures? This presentation will discuss the security and reliability challenges of network automation, and describe a few potential solutions.

Job Snijders, NTT Communications – Large BGP Communities
BGP Large Communities (RFC 8092) are a novel new way to signal meta-information within and between networks, a new way that improves upon classic BGP communities (RFC 1997), especially for 32-bit ASNs. In this presentation we’ll introduce BGP Large Communities, and how to use them. We’ll talk about how to develop a comprehensive community policy, and what tools are available for testing and deploying BGP Large
Communities. The examples will range from dealing with the eyeball/CDN demarcation, up to how route server operators or global carriers might present traffic engineering features to their customers.

Rok Arzenšek, NIL – Upravljanje in orkestracija v kompleksnih in dinamičnih okoljih
Upravljanje in zagotavljanje storitev v velikih omrežnih okoljih terja veliko časa, dodatna težava pa je tudi njihova “neodpornost” na naše napake. Transakcijski pristop naslavlja ravno ta izziv, toda ali je zaradi tega upravljanje omrežnih storitev lahko zares učinkovitejše?

V predavanju bomo predstavili, koliko k uspešni orkestraciji v SDN okolju pripomore standardizacija in kaj lahko dosežemo s pravilno konceptualno zasnovo sistema. Ob tem pa bomo izpostavili kako oboje prispeva k enostavnejšemu in učinkovitejšemu upravljanju storitev v omrežnemu okolju.

Ole Trøan, Cisco – VPP/
Vector Packet Processing is an open source router/switch data plane running on commodity hardware. It is a development framework for building bespoke forwarding applications. This talk will cover the basic architecture and use cases of VPP. Including replacing standard routers, as a vRouter/vSwitch or as Virtual Network Functions (VNFs).

Kevin Meynell, Internet Society – Two years of good MANRS
Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) is an initiative by network operators launched in November 2014. Started by 9 operators it has grown to almost 100 networks around the globe. The goal of the initiative is to set a visible industry supported baseline for essential security measures for global adoption.

The presentation explains the concept behind MANRS, discusses challenges and successes over last 2 years and introduces new MANRS-related activities that are currently under development.

Peter Zalar, Advant – »Zakaj moj WiFi ne dela?«
Predavanje se bo dotaknilo žgoče problematike zavedanja pomena izhodiščnih zahtev za načrtovanje in razporeditev brezžičnih WiFi točk v kompleksnih okoljih. Danes se s samoumevnostjo tovrstnega povezovanja in naraščajočim številom priključenih naprav oža načrtovalska svoboda s pomočjo profesionalnih programskih orodij.

Navidez delujoče WiFi omrežje je počasno, izpadi na določenih lokacijah večkratni, povezovanje nezanesljivo……na zacetku ni bilo tako.

Od načrtovalca in uresničevalca se zahteva več. Z jasnimi zahtevami in željami je sodobno brezžično omrežje kos pokritju predvidenih lokacij in številu uporabnikov. V kratkem predavanju bodo predstavljeni problemi in univerzalne rešitve.

Matej Vadnjal, Arnes – openConfig in NAPALM – iz omrežnih konfiguracij v kodo in nazaj
Z naraščanjem števila naprav v omrežju in pogostostjo sprememb konfiguracij se ročno konfiguriranje ne obnese najbolje. Pri uveljavi avtomatizacije v naše omrežje, pa se hitro spopademo s težavami, kako parametre našega omrežja ustrezno strukturirati in kako jih prevesti v obliko, ki jo bodo naše omrežne naprave razumele.

V tem predavanju si bomo pogledali en način, kako se lotiti tega problema. Na kratko bo predstavljen YANG jezik za modeliranje podatkov ter podatkovni modeli iniciative OpenConfig.

V nadaljevanju si pogledamo Python knjižnico NAPALM. Videli bomo, kako lahko na relativno enostaven način konfiguracijo omrežne naprave prevedemo v strukturo kompatibilno z OpenConfig modeli, kako to strukturo programsko spreminjamo ter seveda, kako jo prevedemo nazaj v konfiguracijo naše omrežne opreme.

Za konec pa pogledamo še, kako lahko to rešitev uporabimo v Ansible.


Pokrovitelji SINOG 4.0 srečanja – 23. in 24. maj 2017

Veliki partnerji SINOG

Telekom Slovenije ISOC logo NIL logo

Veliki pokrovitelj srečanja

CISCO logo

Mali partner SINOG


Pokrovitelji srečanja

advant logo XENYA logo CHS logo

Promo pokrovitelj srečanja


Organizatorji srečanja

 Zavod go6 logo arnes logo LTFE logo

 Medijska pokrovitelja

mobinet logoračunalniške novice logo

Program srečanja

Program SINOG 4.0 srečanja – prvi dan, 23. maj 2017

23. maj 2017ProgramPredavateljVideo
08:30 - 9:00Registracija
09:00 - 9:15 Pozdravni govoriJan Žorž, Zavod go6,
Marko Bonač, Arnes,
Andrej Kos, LTFE,
09:15 - 10:00IPv6 KeynoteOle Trøan, Ciscovideo
10:00 - 10:30Why IPv6 Security Is So Hard: Structural Deficits of IPv6 & Their ImplicationsIvan Pepelnjak, ipSpace (presenter), Enno Ray, ERNW GmbH (author).video
10:30 - 11:00Coffee break
11:00 - 11:30NAT64/DNS64 real life experiments, warnings and also one useful toolJan Žorž, ISOC/Zavod go6video
11:30 - 11:45The experience of deploying IPv6 at Telekom SlovenijeSaša Žbontar, Telekom Slovenije video
11:45 - 12:00Minute za pokroviteljeAdvant, CHS
12:00 - 13:00Kosilo
13:00 - 14:30The dark Side of the IPv6 Moon... the panel- Ole Trøan, Cisco
- Job Snijders, NTT
- Ivan Pepelnjak, ipSpace
- Kevin Meynell, ISOC
- Jan Žorž, panel chair
14:30 - 15:00IPv6 Routing in SloveniaChristian Teuschel, RIPE NCCvideo
15:00 - 15:30IPv6 Lightning Talk: "IPv6 prefix assignment for end-customers - persistent vs non-persistent, and what size to choose."Jan Žorž, Internet Societyvideo
15:30 - 16:00Zaključek prvega dneva in žrebanje nagrad
16:00 - Hladna osvežitev in druženjePokrovitelj CHS


Program SINOG 4.0 srečanja – drugi dan, 24. maj 2017

24. maj 2017ProgramPredavateljVideo
08:30 - 9:00Registracija
09:00 - 9:15 Pozdravni govoriMatjaž Straus Istenič in Urban Kunc, SINOG co-chairs
09:15 - 10:00Keynote - securing network automationIvan Pepelnjak, ipSpacevideo
10:00 - 10:30Upravljanje in orkestracija v kompleksnih in dinamičnih okoljihRok Arzenšek, NILvideo
10:30 - 11:00Coffee break
11:00 - 11:30VPP - The Universal Fast DataplaneOle Trøan, Ciscovideo
11:30 - 12:15Large Scale Firewall management + live demoAlexander Holzer, NextGen Firewallsvideo
12:15 - 12:45Large BGP communitiesJob Snijders, NTT Communicationsvideo
12:45 - 13:45Kosilo
13:45 - 14:15RIPEstatChristian Teuschel, RIPE NCCvideo
14:15 - 14:45MANRS - Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing SecurityKevin Meynell, ISOCvideo
14:45 - 15:15»Zakaj moj WiFi ne dela?«Peter Zalar, Advant
15:15 - 15:45OpenConfig in NAPALM - iz omrežnih konfiguracij v kodo in nazajMatej Vadnjal, Arnesvideo
15:45 - 16:15Lightning talks: "LibreNMS"
Uroš Berglez, FERI MBvideo

Organizatorji dogodka si pridružujejo pravico do spremembe programa.


Strokovno srečanje tehnične internetne skupnosti o internetnih tehnologijah.

Kje: Tehnološki park Ljubljana, lokacija Brdo, Tehnološki park 19 (Google Maps)
Organizatorji: SINOG, Zavod go6, LTFE in Arnes
Kdaj: 23. in 24. maj 2017
Cena udeležbe: brezplačno
Omejitev udeležencev: 150 (v primeru prezasedenosti dvorane imajo prednost pri udeležbi pokrovitelji, člani SINOG foruma in člani Zavoda go6)

SINOG (Slovenian Network Operators Group) je slovenski operaterski forum, ki združuje omrežne strokovnjake različnih področij. Ustanovljen je bil z namenom povečati kakovost, učinkovitost, stabilnost in varnost slovenskih omrežij in omrežnih storitev ter dejavno vzpodbujati izmenjavo idej, znanja in dobre prakse med omrežnimi strokovnjaki v Sloveniji ter širše.

Do nedavna je bilo Slovensko IPv6 srečanje največji osrednji dogodek v slovenskem in tudi širšem regijskem prostoru, namenjeno spremljanju napredka, dosežkov ter izmenjavi dobrih praks pri prehodu na IPv6 in uvajanju v poslovna okolja in organizacije.

Letos pa bo dvodnevni dogodek, IPv6 in SINOG srečanje, prvič združen pod enotnim imenom – SINOG 4.0. Prvi dan bo kot vedno namenjen IPv6 tematikam, drugi pa bolj splošnim operaterskim.

SINOG 4.0 srečanje nadaljuje dobro prakso predhodnih IPv6 in SINOG srečanj in združuje visoko-tehnološka predavanja vrhunskih mednarodnih in domačih strokovnjakov o aktualnih izzivih, reševanju le-teh in kratke predstavitve dosežkov domačih podjetij in organizacij.